Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all),
Procurement / purchasing,
Recruitment / HR,
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Capgemini UK
Unverified - Added by Community

"All available Capgemini UK employees are required to

undertake the bespoke modern slavery mandatory



"We have created a bespoke mandatory training module for

all Capgemini UK employees and contractors.

All UK procurement professionals undertook the CIPS Ethics

Training. This training ensures that all staff who select and

manage suppliers are trained in ethical sourcing and supplier

management. Capgemini UK have signed a Statement of

Commitment to ethical sourcing and management of our

suppliers. "


"We have also created an external training module which will

be available to all our suppliers and their employees and their

supply chain."

Ananya Mukherjee.....2022-11-04 23:27:21 UTC