Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all)
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Capgemini UK

"In 2021 Capgemini UK launched its bespoke mandatory training

module for all available employees. The training enables employees


• Understand the current impact of slavery both globally and in the


• Know how to recognise the signs of modern slavery

• Be aware of the actions Capgemini UK are taking; and

• Be able to act, if necessary, to safeguard others

The training also links out to an external survey, which will inform you of the slaves potentially working for you based on your lifestyle. Awareness of this training is highlighted as part of our induction process, and the completion percentage is monitored monthly to ensure a continual upward trajectory.

In addition, since 2017 we have maintained a dedicated email address that employees can use to email questions or concerns, or indeed ideas and experiences, around modern slavery. The email address is monitored daily by Capgemini UK's Modern Slavery Lead, Maria Hughes. A key part of Maria’s role is to ensure a high level of continual awareness across the business; therefore, a communication plan is being implemented and Maria is delivering customised awareness to the various areas of the business that makes up Capgemini UK."


"Our UK Procurement team successfully undertook the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) ethical training module for the third year running. This training ensures that all employees who

select and manage suppliers are trained in ethical sourcing and supplier management. CIPS Corporate Code of Ethics is voluntary, and organisations are encouraged to adopt it to demonstrate their corporate commitment to the principles of ethical procurement. The Code describes several principles which set out the values, business culture and practices to which organisations should be held

accountable. Capgemini UK is listed on the associated CIPS Corporate Code of Ethics register. Capgemini UK’s dedicated Sustainable Procurement team work with all UK suppliers that fail to meet our strict modern slavery standards, providing education and awareness. Any actions that are committed to by our UK suppliers will be followed up to ensure continual improvement, however, we recognise that it is not always possible to resolve issues, and in those circumstances, we may choose to end our business relationship."


Ananya Mukherjee.....2022-11-02 23:51:18 UTC

It is not explicit whether Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) ethical training module includes modern Slavery.

Manali Rana.....2023-03-27 08:46:02 UTC