Question: What is the total number of female employees?
female employees
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Community
updated 7 months ago by Jaci Hinz

There is an approximate number of employees which is 11,700on the 2022report. This report shows that females make up 38% of the whole company

Jonathan LeGault.....2022-10-25 09:07:34 UTC

There are about 2900 female employees, since 25% of employees are female. 11,700 x .25 = 2925

Jaci Hinz.....2023-10-24 15:06:44 UTC

^ I read that wrong - report shows that females make up 38% of employees (and 25% of BOD)

Jaci Hinz.....2023-10-24 15:47:17 UTC