The 2020 Research Report on the climate and environmental disclosures of 300 companies from Central, Eastern and Southern Europe,was published by Frank Bold, a public interest law organization coordinating the Alliance for Corporate Transparency. The research was conducted to shed light on how companies report to the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) (legislation that came into effect in 2018), and to improve climate and sustainability corporate disclosure policies to enable sustainable finance.

The Research Report found that:

  • There has been some, but insufficient progress in corporate disclosures on climate and the environment.
  • Companies which provide sufficient information on their climate policies are still in the minority — with only 30% giving enough detail to understand their policy development, performance and impact.
  • The majority of companies (70%) do not provide any information on their biodiversity approach while only 55% of companies disclosed a policy on pollution.

The aggregated results and key findings of the research can be consulted in the public data set hosted in the Alliance for Corporate Transparency.

Frank Bold has also partnered with Wikirate to make the data-set and methodology accessible  through Wikirate’s open data platform.


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