As part of our ongoing due diligence activities, the HRWG undertakes continuous assessments of our human rights risks and improvements of our due diligence systems, with support of the specialized human rights consultancy twentyfifty ltd. Our ongoing risk assessment is based on social audit results, grievance mechanism data, interviews with internal stakeholders in key roles and geographies, and an analysis of external studies. It confirms the need to focus on salient risks that are shared across the food industry such as child labor, forced labor, living wage/income, health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining, land rights, water and sanitation, and women’s rights. p. 8
In addition, before engaging in new business
relationships – and during the course of business, we
conduct appropriate and risk-based due diligence, which
includes screening potential suppliers against restricted
party lists from authorities worldwide, which may
include human rights related information. These systems
support the identification of potential risks, help guide
our approach for impact mitigation and monitoring, and
inform our procurement practices. p. 9
In 2021, we started a new
auditing cycle using Sedex’s Radar risk assessment tool
to prioritize suppliers based on human rights related risk. p. 9