Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (self- reporting),
Audits of suppliers (independent)
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Hershey uses independent, third-party auditors to conduct social audits of our own manufacturing sites, contract

manufacturers and our suppliers. These audits are conducted to the SEDEX Member Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) standard

developed by the Associate Auditor Group of the Sustainable Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX). SMETA is a prescriptive audit

procedure that is a compilation of effective ethical audit techniques covering Health and Safety, Labor Standards, Environment

and Business Ethics, and other criteria such as forced labor and human trafficking. We share the audits of our facilities with our

customers through SEDEX, a platform that facilitates swift exchange of audit information. We also request social audits of our

suppliers and partners to ensure compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct. We will continue to regularly conduct these

audits at our own facilities and will continue to request these audits of our suppliers as we expand into new geographies around

the world.1

Gabby.....2022-07-01 06:18:41 UTC