Question: What is the total amount of fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (in gigajoules) that the organization is responsible for?
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 2 years ago by Robyn Mulholland

As published in the 2021 Sustainability Report for computacenter, 73% of Energy used was from renewable sources. The data on energy consumption was published in KWh which equated to 38,500,000, when converted into gigajoules this accounts for 138,600 * 73% = 101,178 gigajoules of energy is consumed from renewables sources. Therefore, 27% of energy is linked to non-renewable sources, this equates to (138,600* 27% = 37,433 gigajoules of energy consumed from non-renewable sources (Computacenter sustainability report, 2021., p.g 16)


Robyn Mulholland.....2022-05-21 20:29:10 UTC