Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment
KKR & Co. L.P.
Verified by Community check_circle

pg. 2

"KKRLLP and KCMLLP have conducted an assessment of relevant third parties with whom we do business for the financial year ending December 31, 2020 to ascertain where there might be a higher risk of slavery or human trafficking in its supply chain. This assessment considered the sector the supplier operated in, their geographical location, and their own likely supply chain."


"KKRLLP and KCMLLP continue to have a Modern Slavery risk assessment framework in place for new vendors and an internal escalation procedure for concerns relating to slavery, human trafficking, and other poor working practices within our supply chain. Depending on the risk factors presented by a supplier, additional due diligence may be undertaken, including screening of vendors against international sanctions or watch lists, litigation, or negative press. Where we believe there may be a higher risk of harmful practices within a sector or jurisdiction that a supplier operates in, we may also seek contractual representations from our suppliers regarding their own compliance with the MSA."

Singh Anjali.....2022-03-09 05:51:53 UTC