
This data set contains the research outputo of the Business Contributions to the SDGs Research Project, which is bringing together institutions and students around the world to research how corporations impact and contribute to the SDGs.

Researchers use public documents to gather data on corporate sustainability performance according to a topic or SDG, for example SDG 3: Good Health & Well Being, aggregate the data on the WikiRate platform, and then use the data to address a specific research question.

Some researchers use the data-gathering process to critique the different approaches of reporting and disclosure, and to consider what kinds of information is missing or difficult to compare. Others use the data to analyze disclosure rates or performance of a company over time.

All the researchers learn more about how data is obscured, nuanced and difficult to compare, and think about the challenges of gathering data to understand how companies impact the SDG objectives.


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At the bottom of the page, there is a button to download data with the current filters in CSV format. Click in the arrow next to the button to choose the format, detail and number of answers that you want to export.


  • CSV downloads will allow a maximum of 500 answers per request without a Wikirate account and 5000 answers per request with a Wikirate account. To download more answers than that, you will need to do multiple exports (e.g. using the filters to split the export by year) or use the API.
  • JSON downloads produce 20 answers per page. When there are more than 20 results, the response will include at least one paging URL, which you can use to retrieve the complete list.



