World Benchmarking Alliance+Image
NAT.B15.EA Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure
Does the company disclose only some categories of its scope 3 emissions?

About the data

This metric was designed by The World Benchmarking Alliance, more information can be found here. Sources and Alignments for each indicator can be found here as well as the scoring guidelines here

The World Benchmarking Alliance's Nature Benchmark measures and ranks the world's most influential companies on their efforts to protect our environment and its biodiversity.

This metric relates to the Indicator: The company reduces its scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with a 1.5-degree trajectory.

Rationale: Scope 3 emissions are often the largest segment of companies' GHG, with business activities leading to a change in land use or degradation of ecosystems within companies' value chains. Companies can reduce scope 3 emissions by influencing business partners across their value chains as well as through their purchases or products they sell. It is estimated that about 40% of the global GHG emissions are driven, or influenced, by companies through their purchases and the products they sell (CDP, 2018). This indicator therefore seeks to hold companies accountable for their scope 3 emissions and aligns with the SBTi's guidance on the topic (SBTi, 2021).

WBA analysed all publicly available group-level disclosure in English on the applicable group website, which was predominantly annual reports and sustainability reports. Draft assessments were then sent to each company inviting them to provide feedback. This feedback could include additional publicly available group disclosure published. These were then reviewed and finalised. Final assessments were then shared with each company before being published online.

For this metric the company reports quantitative data for segments of the company's scope 3 emissions. Segments refers to cases where companies do not provide full disclosure of their emissions – usually this is labelled as a limited disclosure and may be restricted by location or only contain a few of the emissions categories and not the entire list that comprises of scope 3 emissions.

Value Type
Not Applicable
Research Policy
Designer Assessed
Report Type
Aggregate Data Report