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Preventive Measures (mHRDD pilot)
Does the company describe preventive measures implemented in response to identified risks related to modern slavery?
Walk Free

About the data

Preventive actions are key to addressing the known and widespread risks of modern slavery. This metric is designed to capture the type of preventive measures that companies report putting in place in their statements under different jurisdictions. 

This metric is used to assess Duty of Vigilance statements, German Supply Chain Acts reports, and Norwegian Transparency Act reports.

Preventive actions are implemented in response to risks and to prevent violations from occurring. By contrast, remediation is a response to identified incidents. 

Select the following options if: 

  • Training for employees: training on modern slavery prevention is provided to the company's employees (people hired and paid directly by the company). 
  • Training for suppliers: suppliers are offered training on modern slavery prevention. This might include human rights training or training on the code of conduct, as long as it entails a modern slavery component. 
  • Recruitment processes: any measures taken during recruitment, such as translating contracts into workers' languages or imposing additional procedures to ensure workers are not asked to pay recruitment fees by agencies. It can also include training for recruitment agencies. 
  • No: if no preventive measures have been taken. 


Value Type
Training for employees
Training for suppliers
Targeted audits & on-site visits
Recruitment processes
Other preventive measures
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
German Supply Chain Act report (Bericht zum LksG)
Vigilance plan (Devoir de Vigilance)
Norwegian Transparency Act report