Question: Does the company describe a grievance mechanism to facilitate whistle-blowing or the reporting of suspected incidents of slavery or trafficking?
Hotline, Email, Contact Form (direct employees),
Hotline, Email, Contact Form (supply chain workers),
Whistleblower protection (direct employees),
Whistleblower protection (supply chain workers)
Walk Free
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 1 year ago by Manali Rana

On hotline/email: page 31: 'directly through the Customer Service section of our website' as well as 'through the confidential worker interview process. Interviews with workers are a mandatory part of our ethical trade audit programme and are always held in confidence to protect worker testimony. Where appropriate, we give workers direct contact details for the Primark team so that they can contact us at their own discretion.'


On Whistleblower: 'We encourage an open culture in all our dealings and support effective and honest communication. The Primark Whistleblowing Policy provides guidance for employees who feel they need to raise certain issues with Primark in confidence and is designed to protect the individual against any retaliation or detriment.' - doesn't provide detail on supply chain workers.


Or on page 31: 'confidential whistle-blowing facility which is available to all employees' - whistleblowers are protected; 'We investigate all grievances thoroughly, and we do not tolerate any retaliation against those who have raised the grievances and affected stakeholders.'


pg 31: 'through our direct engagement on the ground with workers through both our ETES team and our expert partners' could be seen as a focal point, but is not clear and how accessible this focal point is.




Kate Aston.....2022-12-13 10:35:30 UTC

Pg. 26

“We started to scale up our China CIQ Worker App programme following a successful pilot in 2018.

The app also provides a function for workers to raise grievances.

Our learnings overall from implementing this project showed that apps (and other tools) can provide an effective method for raising grievances but only if they are supported by effective management systems and processes for handling and resolving grievances.”

Pg. 31

“Enabling workers to raise grievances

There should be a procedure that allows workers to raise and address workplace grievances, without fear of reprisal.”

Pg. 33

“Supporting workers to access external independent grievances mechanisms

Amader Kotha Helpline, ISCI Destek, Worker Support Centre, Your Voice, Fast-track Dispute Resolution Mechanism”

Manali Rana.....2023-02-22 11:15:44 UTC