Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Use of risk management tool or software,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment
Nike Inc.


"NIKE uses the CUMULUS Forced Labor Screen™, a due diligence tool to help identify risks related to the recruitment of foreign migrant workers by NIKE suppliers. We have expanded use of the tool to all Tier 1 finished goods and strategic Tier 2 suppliers hiring foreign workers. In FY22, a new feature was added for verification of recruitment fee payment and reimbursement. This work aims to help us understand current recruitment practices more deeply and allows us to map overlaps in recruitment agents at both the facility and country level. This process helps NIKE to identify risks and opportunities to further support our suppliers and their recruiting agents in implementing best practices and serves as an ongoing tool to monitor the effectiveness of programs in addressing and minimizing risks related to forced labor."

"We continue to collaborate with industry experts, partners, industry associations, stakeholders and other organizations to understand, evaluate and address matters related to forced labor. We also continue to expand and evolve our work with other industry peers, NGOs, and organizations to increase respect for human rights and to accelerate positive impact in the countries where we and our suppliers operate."

"In FY22, NIKE also expanded our partnership with Issara Institute by launching their Foreign Migrant Workers assessment survey in a factory in Thailand. This survey assesses gaps in the foreign migrant worker recruitment process, implementation of the ‘Employer Pays Principle’ and working conditions provided to the workers. In FY23, we plan to expand the survey to other Thailand facilities employing foreign migrant workers."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-06-01 11:20:24 UTC