Question: Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Walk Free
MSA policy (revised)
Gap inc.

"In signing Gap Inc.’s VCA, which incorporates our COVC, Gap Inc. suppliers agree to comply with the following:“All applicable laws, rules and regulations ... these laws include, but are not limited to, laws relating to the employment conditions of their respective employees such as: (1) wage and hour, labor, child labor, and forced labor requirements; (2) health and safety; (3) immigration; (4) discrimination; (5) labor or workers’ rights in general; and (6) environmental laws and regulations.”"

Tom Tweddle.....2020-10-19 15:40:57 UTC

All Boxes Except that of suppliers producing their own statements for both tier 1 and beyond such be chosen however Wikirate doesn't allow me to do this.

Tom Tweddle.....2020-10-19 15:43:06 UTC

All Boxes Except that of suppliers producing their own statements for both tier 1 and beyond such be chosen however Wikirate doesn't allow me to do this.

Tom Tweddle.....2020-10-19 15:43:09 UTC