Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Worker remediation,
Corrective action plan
Walk Free
Nike Inc.
Verified by Steward check_circle

Nike joined the leadership group for responsible recruitment to try and eliminate forced labour, they have also adopted employer pays principle to help eliminate forced labour. they have also worked in specific factories in Jordan and Taiwan to advance responsible recruitment and employment practices.

Ellen12345.....2020-10-17 22:38:47 UTC

"NIKE works with internal, external, and independent monitors to carry out audits and help in remediation and capability-building efforts. If we are alerted to an issue of non-compliance within one of our contract factories, we investigate it immediately. Where improvements are required, we seek to drive ownership by factory management to identify and correct issues, and also improve systems to address root causes in order to prevent future reoccurrences.

Working with a wide range of organizations and experts, NIKE continuously seeks to improve our approach to evaluating working conditions in our supply chain and working with our suppliers to enhance their capabilities.

For example, in FY18 we worked with a supplier to address issues, identified through a NIKE audit, where foreign migrant workers paid fees related to their employment in violation of NIKE’s Code of Conduct and Code Leadership Standards. In FY19, we were alerted by a third party of its concerns that recruitment fees at the facility were not fully remediated. Upon further investigation, we coordinated with other buyers from the factory to help the factory achieve full remediation. The process yielded key learnings which we incorporated into capability-building for our current suppliers around labor agent due diligence." p. 3-4

Laureen van Breen.....2020-12-17 17:35:03 UTC