To be able to assess whether companies are improving their modern slavery due diligence over time, the Modern Slavery Act requires companies to publish a statement for every financial year and to make these publicly available. However, companies will often remove statements from previous years, once a new statement is released. This hampers the ability of stakeholders to make year-on-year assessments and hold business to account over a longer period of time.
Does the company provide a historic record of their modern slavery statements?
*This metric refers only to Modern Slavery Act Statements (UK or AUS). It does not apply to companies publishing a record of statements covering the California Supply Chain Transparency Act.
You will probably need to add a new source representing the homepage, so click the "Add a new source" button and enter the company's homepage URL as the new source or save the page as a PDF and add as a file.
* Note on choosing the Year of your answer
When researching this metric the "Year" field should be set to the current year.