Question: Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
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Unverified - Added by Steward
updated 19 days ago by Aureliane

On Page 17. Nissan makes a declaration that it intends to design and develop a framework to ensure that they can review the effectiveness of their controls. The proposed framework would include NMA, NCAP and NFSA and meet regularly to monitor the responses to our modern slavery controls and consider areas for development. Nissan intends to finalise key performance indicators to be able to measure the effectiveness of their modern slavery framework and make changes as required.


However, Nissan has measure how many human rights violations occurred and how many supplier contracts were terminated in 2021 (Page 15), suggesting they do actually have some form of KPIs in place.

Fariza.....2024-05-14 14:38:05 UTC