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Our work on modern slavery is led by representatives from our procurement and sustainability teams who report to the Chief Financial Officer and GM Sustainability and our modern slavery statement is endorsed by our Board of Directors.
Mercury is involved in the Collaborative Advantage Business Network which is jointly run by Deloitte and Kathmandu. This network helps us gauge how other businesses are addressing modern slavery and share best practice.
It is evident that countries with modern slavery legislation have a greater ability to take steps to identify and deal with modern slavery. There is currently no modem slavery legislation in New Zealand. We are supportive of MBIE's proposed legislation. In the meantime, we believe the first step is to grow awareness of modern slavery in New Zealand.
Of the suppliers we worked with in FY22, we found that generally larger New Zealand suppliers are actively taking steps to address modem slavery in their policies, processes and procedures, as well as investigating their operations and supply chain for modern slavery risks, Small and medium sized suppliers are mostly unaware of modern slavery risks."