Question: Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
Walk Free

Mentions KPI's but does not describe.


"We report on our Modern Slavery risks and responsibilities as part of our sustainability KPIs; progress against these KPIs is reviewed every 2 months by our senior management team and annually through the FatFace Group Board Audit Committee. We’ve also recently moved to monthly reporting to the Group Board of several key sustainability indicators. This means we are regularly scrutinising our performance against stretching targets to ensure sufficient progress is being made and any issues that do arise are promptly investigated and resolved.... Our sustainability KPIs include and cover our supply chain due diligence activities, which is the route through which modern slavery symptoms and risks are raised and escalated as business-critical issues." (Pg. 2)

Max Tranter.....2022-12-09 23:56:43 UTC

Pg. 1

“By the close of the year, after a hugely focused effort, we have managed to catch up on the auditing programme and are pleased to report that 89% of all factories have had an active ethical assessment within the last 12 months.”

Pg. 5

“Despite the ongoing disruption around the globe, we continue to deliver our robust Responsible Sourcing programme, making sure that annual due diligence 3rd party audits are in place for 89% of our first-tier factories and undertaking more in-depth Verification Assessments, follow up and Root Cause Analysis visits at 28 key sites.”

Pg. 6

“The FatFace Responsible Sourcing team visited 7 key factories in India in May 2022, our first direct visits post-Covid.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-27 18:31:14 UTC