Question: Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
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'Requiring all staff to complete training on Stronger Together during their induction.

To successfully complete a full SMETA Audit at our UK sites during 2017.

3rd party audits to be conducted on any catering or hygiene organisation providing outsourced labour to our UK sites.

We are committed to ensuring that all our first level suppliers are linked to us on SEDEX and have a valid audit when required.'

Umashni Puvanendran.....2017-10-17 16:53:56 UTC

SEDEX have a 'pro-active response to this audit.' Dunhills have set themselves goals for 2017 to achieve, therefore, indicating it is in development.

Samantha Mishon.....2017-10-23 10:25:37 UTC