Question: Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
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Pg. 7

“Induction training: We have developed induction training for newly onboarded suppliers and factories which includes a section on Modern Slavery to give a general overview and a practical checklist for factories to pre-screen on-site. So far, this has been completed by 4 Vietnam suppliers and 22 China suppliers.”

“All Tier 1 and Tier 2 factories in our supply chain are audited at least once a year. Between May 2021 and August 2022, together with our third-party auditors, we carried out 649 unannounced and semi-announced audits across Tier 1 and 2 of our supply chain, which accounts for nearly 90% of our Tier 1-3 supply chain and covers 64% of the total workforce.”

Pg. 9

“In the last reporting period, we have received 17 whistleblowing reports in Turkey, India, Ukraine, the UK, Mauritius, Madagascar, Cambodia, and Bangladesh. 7 are closed, and 10 remain open. The issue areas include unfair dismissal, wages, harassment, and discrimination. For open cases, we are taking the necessary steps to investigate, such as liaising with our partners on the ground and our suppliers.”

pg. 13

“• Exited one China garment factory and withheld the onboarding of 2 factories due to parent company links to the Xinjiang Aid Project.

• Exited one China export company which was located in Xinjiang.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-21 11:37:39 UTC

Status of supplier tier mapping. - 4

'More detail on our target to map down to Tier 5 of our supply chain, and our progress to date, is available in our latest Fashion with Integrity Progress Update report.' - 4

Peter Wallace.....2023-01-27 01:53:48 UTC