Question: Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
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AGL Energy
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pg. 15

“3.5.1 Tracking

In FY22 AGL utilised the following key governance mechanisms to assess its existing practices as they relate to modern slavery risk, and to track the progress made on initiatives planned and underway to manage and mitigate these risks:

• Initiative Reporting: On a regular basis, the Modern Slavery SMEs provide reporting on the progress made in relation to initiatives planned to be implemented across the reporting period to the General Manager GRCI and the Modern Slavery Working Group.

• Ongoing engagement between GRCI and business unit risk and compliance teams: GRCI plays an ongoing role in supporting the progress made on agreed improvement initiatives, and challenging the progress with each individual business unit where relevant.

• Engagement with the Modern Slavery Working Group: The Working Group regularly discusses the changing risk landscape associated with modern slavery, and the associated initiatives in place to address these risks.

• Periodic updates to the Executive Sponsor: The General Manager, GRCI provides regular updates to the Executive Sponsor for modern slavery, which includes a broad overview of progress made against FY22 initiatives.

In addition to the monitoring measures described above, Group Audit provides independent, objective assurance to AGL on the effectiveness of governance, risk management and internal controls, with the FY23 Group Audit plan including an audit of AGL’s Modern Slavery Framework”

Manali Rana.....2023-05-03 11:09:09 UTC