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MSA Migrant Workers
Does the company take actions to minimise the risk of modern slavery among migrant workers in the supply chain?
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About the data

Research has shown that migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to forced labour. They might be dependent on their employers for the right to stay in the country where they work; they might not know the local language and laws. 

Read the statement and identify whether the company discloses, in its modern slavery statement, any actions that they are taking to minimise the risk of modern slavery among migrant workers throughout the supply chain.

Policies specifically aimed at protecting migrant workers do not count as actions, unless they involve specific measures, processes, or risk assessments. This metric does not focus on policies (e.g. Migrant Workers Policy). It aims to capture concrete actions taken by the company itself (as opposed to placing responsibilities on the suppliers).

Actions or measures might include:

- Conduct additional assessments for high risk suppliers

- Provide training for supplier or agencies

- Monitor the percentage of migrant workers working for suppliers

- Provide information/data on feed repayment to workers (in case workers were charged recruitment fees)

- Tracing labour agencies used by suppliers to get an understanding of where risks lie in the recruitment supply chain

- Mapping migrant worker corridors

- Predeparture orientation training for migrant workers

Select "Yes" if the company discloses actions to protect migrant workers.

Select "No" if you cannot find any actions. 

Select "In development" if the company states that it is in the process of designing such actions. 

Value Type
In development
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Modern Slavery Statement
Abigail Munroe