Question: Does the company’s statement identify specific geographic regions (e.g. Indonesia), industries (e.g. agriculture), resources (e.g. Palm Oil) or types of workforce (e.g. migrant workers) where the risk of modern slavery is the greatest?"
Resource/products and services,
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Apple Inc.
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We implement strict policies and procedures with our suppliers to protect workers in our supply chain from forced labour. This includes selecting suppliers for assessments based on factors, such as their geographic location, which may put them at higher risk of forced labor violations, as well as their previous performance and/or history of violence or allegatons. Suppliers may also receive additional assessments based on the nature of their business or employee population, such as those that employ Foreign Contract Workers, and those located in higher-risk migration corridors. p. 7


To further strengthen implementation of our Prevention of Modern Slavery Standards, we also conduct specialised debt-bonded labour audits in certain high0risk environments, including high0risk labor migration corridors and in areas where employment of FCWs typically occurs. In FY2021, specialised debt-bonded labor assessments were conducted in Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, and the United Arab Emirates. p. 10


The 2021 Statement details our approaches to identify modern slavery risks. The areas specifically identified as at-risk for modern slavery in relation to Apple Pty Limited and Apple Sales New Zealand operations and supply chains are:

- The procurement, manufacturing and recycling of Apple products through our global supply chain;

- Provision of janitorial, security and logistics services within Australia and New Zealand;

- Corporate procurement of office supplies, furniture and branded items from offshort manufacturers; and

- Recruitment and management of employees and/or contracted staff at offshore contact centres p. 23


Conducting human rights due diligence in alignment with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance and the UNGPs is the foundation of Apple's responsible sourcing program for primary sourced minerals, and informs Apple's due diligence pgram for recycled minerals. Our Code and Standards require suppliers, smelters, refiners, and recyclers in our supply chain to identify and assess a broad range of risks beyond conflict, including social, environmental, and human rights risks. p. 7


Since 2009, Apple has directed the removal of 163 3TG ( a total of 9 tantalum, 50 tin, 19 tungsten, and 85 gold smelters and refiners) and 7 cobalt smelters and refiners from our supply chain. p. 8

Brittany Quy.....2022-05-09 03:51:39 UTC