Question: Does the company continuously engage with suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Walk Free
Sky plc

A Yes should satisfy the following points:

  1. conducting audits of suppliers (including high risk suppliers), either by the company itself or through external agencies,

  2. providing suppliers with continuous improvement programs,

  3. providing suppliers with correction action plans, or equivalent,

  4. conducting on site visits of suppliers, either by the company itself or through external agencies

Sky has a team of in-house experts that carry out due diligence on suppliers at the pre-qualification stage. This includes a range of issues, including bribery and corruption. This year we have also introduced a prequalification questionnaire that specifically addresses the risks of slavery and human trafficking and requests information about the due diligence mechanisms in place.The team also oversee broader social, ethical and environmental management due diligence, which involves assessing our suppliers for their inherent risk using third party data provider Sedex (The Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) and Maplecroft (Global Risk Tool Provider). We require high inherent risk suppliers to complete an independent, self-assessment questionnaire. This may be followed by subsequent SMETA audits (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audits), face-to-face meetings and capacity building

--Kan Luo.....2016-11-03 16:44:17 UTC