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MSA Artisanal and Small Scale Mining
Does the company disclose any considerations, actions or due diligence measures it takes with regard to its engagement with artisanal and small-scale mining operations in its mineral supply chain?
Walk Free

About the data

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is considered to be a high risk environment for forced labour. However, small scale operations, when legitimate and legal, can benefit miners by enabling them to keep the wealth created through mining in the local community. It is important for companies to adopt procedures that address the risks linked to ASM while empowering local communities.

Read the statement to identify whether the company discloses any actions, procedures or policies in relation to Artisanal and Small Scale Mining. This could include special training, due diligence processes, engagement with mining communities.

Identifying Artisanal and Small Scale Mining as a risk in the supply chain is not sufficient to meet this metric.

To meet this metric, the statement must state special measures taken when engaging with small scale and artisanal mining operations. General comments regarding responsible mining policies are not sufficient. 

In your comment, please provide details about the measure, action or policy.

Apple Inc Modern Slavery Statement 2022, p.8: 

"Apple continued to provide funding to PACT, an international development NGO, to deliver rights awareness training to miners, youth and community officials in ASM communities in the DRC."

Value Type
In development
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Modern Slavery Statement
Abigail Munroe