Question: Does the company disclose that it is part of the International Tourism Partnership (ITP)?
Walk Free
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 2 years ago by Lucia Ixtacuy

Create and partner with

cross-industry networks

to advance international

human rights: Support International Tourism

Partnership (ITP) Human Rights

Goals: Aligned internal Key Performance Indicators

to ITP human rights goals

Supported draft and launch of ITP Forced

Labour Principles

Announced sharing of our internal training

on risks of modern slavery in labour sourcing

with ITP, which refers to ITP Forced Labour



We are co-founders of the International Tourism

Partnership (ITP) and an active member of their

Human Rights working group. Building on the

launch of the ITP Human Rights Policy Statement

and Human Rights Goals in 2017, we supported the

development and launch of the ITP Forced Labour

Principles, which were modelled off the Consumer

Goods Forum Priority Industry Principles to ensure

consistency and scale of impact with the hotel

industry’s key business partners. To accelerate the

industry’s ability to identify risks of modern slavery

and implement the Forced Labour Principles in

practice, we announced on International Human

Rights Day on December 10, 2018 that we would

share our internal training on risks of modern

slavery in labour sourcing with the ITP. It will be

available online in 2019.

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2021-12-01 12:35:17 UTC