Question: Does the company have a Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation System (CLMRS) in place that covers 100% of their cocoa sources, is assessed by a third party and references ongoing commitments to improve/expand?
Walk Free

P4 We have established child labour monitoring across our managed sustainability programmes, covering

183,000 households in nine countries, and 100% deforestation monitoring across our direct global

supply chain, covering almost 12,000 suppliers.

The Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation System (CLMRS) developed in collaboration with the

Fair Labor Association (FLA), covers all of our managed sustainability programmes and is a groundbreaking new tool for monitoring child labour in Cameroon, Uganda, Brazil and Indonesia. This is a

critical step towards our goal of eradicating child labour from the cocoa supply chain by 2030. With

training and the help of a smartphone, community leads, and field officers now collect detailed social

data on individual farming households, helping to identify children at risk and take faster, more effective


This data paints a clearer picture of child labour in the supply chain and the interventions needed. For

example, in Côte d'Ivoire, which has a reported high prevalence of child labour, 79% of school-aged

children attend school and 75% of children identified in a situation of child labour combine school and

work and in 97% of child labour cases, children were working for a parent or a relative. These findings

are in line with the recent NORC study from the University of Chicago which showed that school

attendance has increased significantly in Côte d’Ivoire in the past ten years, indicating that actions like

establishing birth certificates, building classrooms, providing school equipment and setting up Village

Savings and Loans Associations are contributing to improving access to education.

Gabby.....2022-07-04 08:57:55 UTC

Does not meet this metric

Sascha.....2022-07-05 07:14:52 UTC