About the data
The UN has identified 9 targets and 15 indicators for progress in SDG 5. Indicator 5.5.2 is the "proportion of women in managerial positions". This is measured as the percentage of firms in any given country with a female as the top manager and the share of middle or senior management positions filled by a female.
Goal by 2030: "ensure women´s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political life"
Researchers may find the the percentage of management /leadership positions filled by women by reviewing company statements for search terms like "female representation", "female leadership", "women manager", "women",''gender diversity", "inclusion & diversity" to determine whether the company in question publicly discloses this information.
Sources of information: Annual Reports, CSR Reports, the company website.
If found, cite the correct source and include the page number where the information can be found and any additional context in the Comments field as type of information founded (leadership, manager positions, directors+managers).
If information founded is numerical it must be transformed in percentage and the data must be included in the Comments.