About this Report

Our 12th annual Global Citizenship Report
(the “Report”) covers FedEx corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies, goals, programs,
and progress. Unless otherwise noted, data covers each of our operating companies and all geographies in our 2019 fiscal year, which ended May 31, 2019. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards
Core option, and contains disclosures from
the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards
(as well as reference tables for the Task Force
on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board),
which are listed in the 
Reporting Framework Index.

Key performance highlights are included in the relevant report chapter, while detailed performance data, including our year-over-year performance,
is included in the 
Data Appendix. Scope 1 & 2
GHG emissions data was 
externally verified by Cventure LLC.


FedEx Global Citizenship Report 2020
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Communication on Progress
Integrated Report
Sustainability Report
Supply Chain Policy document