Occupational Health and Safety- Non-Employee Fatalities
What is the total number of fatalities for non-employee direct operations workers as a result of a work-related injury since the last reporting period in the company's most significant operating locations?

About the data

This metric was designed by ShareAction, more information can be found here. It was calculated by totaling the number of fatalities at all the significant locations listed.

The Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI) aims to improve corporate transparency and accountability on workforce issues, provide companies and investors with comprehensive and comparable data and help increase the provision of good jobs worldwide.

Designed with the input of investors, companies, trade unions and subject matter experts, the WDI survey has been designed to gather information on the issues most crucial to decent work and human rights in the workplace. The WDI survey is aligned with other reporting frameworks including DJSI, GRI, the UNGPs and the SDGs, and offers a comprehensive and comparable reporting system.

Companies are asked to disclose the information using an online platform during the disclosure period. After the disclosing period ends, companies will receive a Disclosure Score and a Disclosure Scorecard – only viewable to your company, the WDI signatories and WDI partners – which evaluate a response based on the level of completeness and provide a basic benchmark to peer groups of responding companies.

Value Type
Research Policy
Designer Assessed
Report Type
Aggregate Data Report