723 data points have been researched
out of a potential 8848 (158 Companies x 28 Metrics x 2 Years).

8.1 %


Watch tutorial on adding data to your company, and double-checking your colleague’s research:

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development include business as a stakeholder and contributor to their achievement. This assignment was developed to engage universities and students in research that identifies companies contributions to specific SDGs, and shares this information through the open Wikirate platform.

Key business themes for SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions & SDG8: Decent Work & Economic Growth (from the SDG Compass):

  • Effective, accountable and transparent governance

  • Compliance with laws and regulations

  • Anti-corruption

  • Public access to information

  • Inclusive decision making

  • Employment

  • Economic inclusion

  • Non-discrimination

  • Capacity Building

  • Availability of a skilled workforce

  • Elimination of forced or compulsory labor

Create discussions & learn from peers

As you conduct research, feel free to create conversation threads through the button below (click “Add Conversation”) or on your Research Group page, to ask questions or create discussion around a topic of interest.

Example Research

Click the link below to see how metric data should be added and the types of comments that should support each value: