201 data points have been researched
out of a potential 450 (15 Companies x 15 Metrics x 2 Years).

44.6 %


The fashion and design industries are taking important steps towards sustainable production strategies. Still, there is not much information available on the complex topic of sustainability in the jewelry industry.

In particular, the luxury jewelry industry faces several challenges to report their efforts in identifying, preventing, mitigating and being accountable for their impact on the environment throughout the supply chain.

In order to get a broader understanding the available alternatives for sustainable processes along the supply chain of the jewelry industry, it is important to first have a diagnosis of the quality and quantity of publicly available information.

For this project, we defined a set of questions regarding major companies practices around gold and diamonds sourcing and manufacturing. To collect data that help answer those questions, metrics were created based on Human Rights Watch's (HRW) Report “The Hidden Cost of Jewelry”. The project is part of Danielle Keller Aviram's M.A thesis, a broader research on the topic of sustainability and transparency in the luxury jewelry's supply-chain.

To contribute to this project

Please choose a company from the list on the bottom-right of this page, click the “Research” button. Next,  go through the HRW Report and try to find the answer to each question. If the company you are researching is not part of the HRW Report, check the sources that are already uploaded (by clicking on the Source tab on the right-hand side, the sources will appear below).

Always make sure the Year is set to the year you are researching, changing it with the drop-down in case the default setting is not correct. Then click on the source’s name and add it as a reference by clicking on the icon “Cite”.  

Each metric has a methodology section which explains how the answer for a company should be determined and includes tips for finding answers quickly. Please include comments that support the answers you’re adding (e.g. by quoting from the source or explaining your reasoning). Good comments are very useful when checking answers or refining metrics.

Project goal:

To compile publicly available information on companies in Luxury Jewelry Industry and assess their reporting practices.

Suggested sources:

Additional readings: