Research Group Eticonsum+Image
Objectives to reduce water consumption
The company has established quantifiable goals for reducing water consumption in direct operations.

About the data

This sub-metric is used to evaluate the metric : ""4.2 Management and reduction of water consumption""
With this metric based on the standard "" GRI 303: WATER AND EFFLUENTS "" we intend to evaluate the efforts of companies to reduce and sustainably manage their water consumption and take the first steps in order to control the water impact in their chain of supply
We will assign a ""YES"" to this question if :

- The company declares to set concrete quantitative and temporal targets for the reduction of its water consumption. This should include the % to be reduced and the timeframe. We do not require a minimum target here.

This information can be found in any of the following reports published on the companies' websites:

- Annual Report
- Corporate Social Responsibility Report
- Sustainability Report
- Environmental Report
- Carbon Footprint Report
- Statement of Non-Financial Information (NFI)
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Annual Report
Sustainability Report
Code of Conduct
Integrated Report
Company Website