37 answers have been researched
out of a potential 672 (112 Companies x 1 Metrics x 6 Years).

5.5 %


Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act requires a commercial organisation that has a turnover of over £36 million with operations in the UK to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement each year which sets out the steps it has taken to ensure there is no slavery or trafficking in its supply chains or its own business, or states that it has taken no such steps.

Training is important for raising awareness and understanding the importance of modern slavery issues. It helps employees and suppliers identify the risks of modern slavery, and how to address such risks if they find them. Training can be targeted at specific groups of employees, especially those working in procurement, those who deal with supply chains or recruitment, or are in leadership positions. The training can be in any form (face-to-face or online) but should explicitly address modern slavery.

For further information on training please refer to the Home Office Guidance on pp. 37.

This metric assesses:

Does the company provide training specifically to address modern slavery and human trafficking? This training can take place as a standalone course on modern slavery, or be embedded in a wider training programme on supply chains or human rights. It can cover many different groups- procurement specialists, and those who work in recruitment or in leadership positions.

***Please select as many examples of training as apply.***

Where the intended recipients of the training are those who work in procurement or purchasing, please select the “Procurement/ purchasing” value.

If the training is targeting those who work in recruitment or human resources, please select the “Recruitment/ HR” value.

If the leadership or management of the company receive training, please select the “Leadership” value.

If the training is provided to suppliers and/or contractors, please select the "Suppliers" value.

If all employees in the company are receiving training, please select the "Employees (all)" value.

Where the recipients of the training are not specified, please select the “Training provided - not specified” value.

For each instance of training, please include a comment that copies relevant information from the statement, answering the following questions (where available):

  1. who provides the training (e.g. is it in house or outsourced to a training provider),

  2. how often the training is conducted, and

  3. whether or not it is mandatory for the target group.

If the business indicates it is developing a training programme, or plans to implement one in the future, please indicate “In Development” and please include a comment if the company is planning on including elements of modern slavery to existing trainings, or developing training specific to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Please select "No" if no training is described in the statement.

English Lakes Hotels Limited Modern Slavery Statement 2018, p.2

"Management at all levels are responsible for ensuring those reporting to them understand and comply with this policy and are given adequate and regular training on it and the issue of modern slavery in supply chains.".

Tech 21 UK Limited

"We have training in place for our operations teams so that they understand the signs of modern slavery and what to do if they suspect that it is taking place within our supply chain."

Gap Inc., MSA Statement 2020, p. 9

"As part of our Global Sustainability long-range strategic plan, we have committed to deeper investments in both internal and external labor standards trainings for our business partners, and these trainings will include a forced labor component.".

* Note on choosing the Year of your answer

Read the MSA Statement carefully to find out what year it covers. For instance, if the statement relates to activities and actions undertaken in the period January - October 2016, choose 2016 as your answer's year.

Companies may report in fiscal years (FY) that include months from two different calendar years. In this case, apply the following rule:

  • If the latest calendar year ends in Q1 (January-March) cite the previous calendar year. For example: a statement for FY 2016/17 ending in March should be used for adding data for the year 2016.
  • If the latest calendar year ends in Q2 or later (April-December) cite the latest calendar year. For example: a statement for FY2016/17 ending in April should be used for adding data for the year 2017.
Ground Truth: MSA Training - Researcher 1+Image
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