
Answer a Research Question

The following projects can be used to answer a specific Research Question. If you have a distinct question you would like to ask and answer, create a new Project (see tutorial here). Otherwise, use one of the following to gather additional data on your subjects. Guidance for interacting with the different WikiRate tools can be found here, Using WikiRate and here, Student Research FAQs.

SDG 5 - Gender Equality - Collect Data on Number of Female Managers and Employees

This project is about gender equality, specifically asking questions about the company’s number of employees, number of female employees, and the percentage of managers who are female. This data is then used to calculate the differential between female representation in the workforce and in managerial roles.

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SDG 13 - Climate Action - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Tracking and Analysis

This project is about climate change, collecting 7 years of historical Greenhouse Gas Emissions data to calculate a measure of whether they’re emitting with their “fair share“ of global greenhouse gas emissions. When deciding to research this question, you will want at least some of your companies to have the full 7 years of research available. If this is not possible for all companies, this is something you can address in your written analysis.

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SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production - Waste and Recycling

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University Performance - University performance - energy and environment

This project is about understanding university sustainability performance and impact across environmental, social and governance indicators. While much research on WikiRate focuses on the sustainability performance of companies, many universities also report publicly on their performance and impact. The data collected here will look at university disclosure over a three year period.

Projects in development:

SDG10: Reduced Inequalities - Focus On Pay

This project is for collecting data on wage inequalities, so far it just has two GRI-based metrics.

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