Public Eye Research Group+Image
Wage transparency
Wage transparency: Does the company publish information on wages currently paid to workers at its suppliers?

About the data

Why is that important? If inequality and exploitation are as pronounced as in the global supply chains of the fashion industry, then the question of actually paid wages should not be a secret but should be dicussed in public. With the publication of concrete payroll data, companies allow to understand where they and their suppliers stand and how they progress on wages. And they fuel the necessary public debate about wages in the textile industry.

Wage transparency

Does the company publish information on wages currently paid to workers at its suppliers?


Reply options



nothing found


Select yes if:
- Company publishes detailed and specific information on wages in its supply chain, including concrete amounts, covering a major part of its suppliers and workers in the supply chain.

Select partial if:
- Company publishes wage information only in a very general form or only gives some examples.

select "nothing found" if:
- Company publishes nothing
- Company publishes nothing meaningful


Value Type
nothing found
Research Policy
Community Assessed