About the data
Why is that important? Without a time-bound roadmap (or strategy), a commitment to a living wage lacks substance. It is relatively easy for a company to only generally commit to a Living Wage without undertaking any concrete steps to ensure it becomes reality. A public roadmap in contrast allows workers, trade unions, consumers and citizens to assess what a company is doing to increase wages in its supply chain until at least living wage level has been reached. It is important that such a roadmap or strategy is time-bound, transparent and the company reports about the progress, because otherwise it is not possible to assess whether there is real progress. Addditionally, roadmaps can provide examples for other companies on how to move towards living wages.
Time-bound living wage roadmap
Does the company have a public, time-bound roadmap or strategy for how it will achieve a living wage for all workers across its supplier network for garments in a reasonable time?
Reply options
nothing found
Select yes if:
- Company presents evidence that all or nearly all workers at suppliers earn at least a living wage
- Company publish a roadmap or comparable strategy the explains how the company will secure living wages to all or nearly all workers in its supply chain for garments within no more than 10 years.
Select partial if:
- Company publishes a roadmap for how to achieve living wages for all or a majority of its garment workers but not with meeting all requirements for a yes (for example because the roadmap is not timebound)
select "nothing found" if:
- Company publishes nothing
- Company publishes nothing meaningful