Net Zero Tracker+Image
End Target Status
What is the current status of the target?
Net Zero Tracker

About the data

Net Zero Tracker provides an overview of the 2 000 largest publicly-traded companies in the world by revenue. For those companies with a net zero (or other) target, Net Zero Tracker analyses the key components of that pledge.
Data available with attribution under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 License.

Source: Net Zero Tracker. Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, Data-Driven EnviroLab, NewClimate Institute, Oxford Net Zero. 2022.
More info:

"Select the highest level that applies, ordered as:

Achieved (externally validates): Describe source of validation in notes

Achieved (self-declared): For net zero targets, include countries that report a negative GHG inventory to the UNFCCC

In law: Target prescribed in legislation or administrative order, has legal force.

In policy document: Target set in policy or planning document, including for countries Nationally Determined Contributions or Long Term Strategies in the UNFCCC.

In corporate strategy :Target set in policy or planning document. 

Declaration / pledge: Entity has announced a target but not yet institutionalized that pledge in any way (e.g. just press release, verbal announcement, etc.)

Proposed / in discussion: The entity’s leadership has said it is considering a target or has joined an international initiative (like Climate Neutrality Coalition or Climate Ambition Alliance) pledging to set a net zero target but has not yet taken steps to operationalize this."

Value Type
Achieved (externally validated)
Achieved (self-declared)
In corporate strategy
Declaration / pledge
Proposed / In discussion
Research Policy
Designer Assessed