Net Zero Tracker+Image
Carbon Credit Conditions
If the target allow for traded credits (offsets) from outside the actor’s territory / value chain to meet the target, does the target impose conditions on trading credits (offsets)? Select all that apply.
Net Zero Tracker

About the data

Net Zero Tracker provides an overview of the 2 000 largest publicly-traded companies in the world by revenue. For those companies with a net zero (or other) target, Net Zero Tracker analyses the key components of that pledge.
Data available with attribution under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 License.

Source: Net Zero Tracker. Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, Data-Driven EnviroLab, NewClimate Institute, Oxford Net Zero. 2022.
More info:
Value Type
No conditions specified
Must be high environmental integrity
Avoid social harm
Avoid biodiversity harm
Not include avoided emissions (e.g. via renewable energy projects)
Not include emissions reductions (e.g. via greater efficiency)
Not include biological sequestration (e.g. via afforestation)
Maximum percentage of emissions that can be offset
Other conditions
Research Policy
Designer Assessed