A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose how executive pay, bonuses and/or performance reviews are tied to achieving absolute carbon reduction across the whole value chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the percentage of executive bonus or pay linked to achieving absolute carbon reduction across the whole value chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company describe how suppliers incentives are tied to improvement in environmental management?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a renewable energy target for the supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose progress on a renewable energy target for the supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a renewable electricity target for the supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a target to phase-out combustion of thermal coal (or other fossil fuels)?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose progress on a target to phase-out combustion of thermal coal (or other fossil fuels)?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a target to electrify all energy-intensive processes in garment manufacturing where feasible?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose progress on a target to electrify all energy-intensive processes in garment manufacturing where feasible?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a breakdown of Scope 3 emissions by country, volume and emission type?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose how the company defines renewable energy?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a breakdown of the energy consumption profile in company's owned and operated facilities?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a breakdown of the energy consumption profile in the company's supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a breakdown of the energy consumption by country in the supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a breakdown of energy consumption by process in the company's supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose its supply chain electricity consumption profile?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a detailed breakdown of energy procurement type in their company’s owned and operated facilities?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a detailed breakdown of energy procurement type in their supply chain?