A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group

World Benchmarking Alliance
What does the company score on working hours?

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group

World Benchmarking Alliance
What does the company score on prohibition of forced labour?

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group

World Benchmarking Alliance
What does the company score on responsible sourcing of minerals

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group

World Benchmarking Alliance
What does the company score on human rights practices?

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group
What does the company score on public commitments to respecting all internationally recognized human rights across its activities?

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group
What does the company score on grievance mechanisms for workers?

World Benchmarking Alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group
What does the company score on grievance mechanisms for external individuals and communities?