A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose that worker/producer/farmer representatives, unions and other affected stakeholders are involved in the due diligence process and explain how they are involved?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the human rights and environmental risks, impacts and violations identified and their prioritisation (low, medium, high)?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose evidence of steps taken to cease, prevent, mitigate and remedy human rights and environmental risks, impacts and violations identified?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the outcomes or results of steps taken to cease, prevent, mitigate and remedy human rights and environmental risks, impacts and violations identified?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish a description of the facility-level assessment process?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the external/third-party supplier audit standard(s) used?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose criteria for taking on new facilities before production commences to ensure the facility meets its policies and standards?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose its policy on the frequency of supplier assessments?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the percentage (%) of supplier assessments that are announced, semi-announced or unannounced?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose that the scope of supplier assessments goes beyond first tier facilities?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose that supplier assessments include offsite worker interviews?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the number or percentage (%) of workers interviewed offsite as part of supplier assessments?
Fashion Revolution
For which facility-level(s) does the company publish a summary of assessment findings or aggregate rating without naming individual facilities?
Fashion Revolution
For which facility-level(s) does the company publish selected audit findings by named facility?
Fashion Revolution
For which facility-level(s) does the company publish full audit reports naming individual facilities?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the process for remediation when non-compliances are found in a facility?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose how they engage with workers/producers/farmers, trade unions and any other affected stakeholders in the development and implementation of remediation/corrective action plans?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose its exit strategy for terminating relationships with suppliers?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the percentage (%) breakdown or number of facilities with remediation plans and status, without naming individual facilities?