A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Walk Free
Does the company have a MSA statement AND link to it from its homepage?
Walk Free
Walk Free
Gender Data Research
Does the company prohibit violence and harassment in its supply chain?
Walk Free
Walk Free
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Was the company’s Modern Slavery Act statement signed by an appropriate person?
Research Group Eticonsum
Luis Leyton
Research Group Eticonsum
Luis Leyton
What is the companies' disclosure rate on the 12 metrics formulated based on the UK home office statutory guidance accompanying the UK Modern Slavery Act?
Apparel Research Group
What percentage of the following emissions indicators did the company disclose?
Does the investor disclose in its modern slavery statement that it has a human rights investment policy covering any portfolios under management?
Does the investor disclose in its modern slavery statement that it requires investee companies to meet their reporting obligations under the UK Modern Slavery Act?
Does the investor disclose in its modern slavery statement that it assesses investee companies prior to investment to identify potential modern slavery risk areas?
Does the investor disclose in its modern slavery statement active engagement with investee companies on their (investee companies’) modern slavery/ labour exploitation/ human trafficking risks in value chains and business relationships?
Did the investor disclose in their modern slavery statement that they are conducting some form of due diligence on human rights or modern slavery issues in their portfolios?
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Was the company's Modern Slavery Act statement explicitly approved by the board of directors (or equivalent management body)?
Research Group Eticonsum
The company is declared and/or certified as zero waste in more than 10 of its facilities.
Did the investor disclose in their modern slavery statement that they are conducting some form of due diligence on human rights or modern slavery issues in their portfolios and/or that it collaborates with industry and non-industry stakeholders on the topic of modern slavery?