A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on annual leave and public holidays for their own operations and/or supply chain?

Does the organisation have an environmental policy?
What is the company's Industry Division based on the Standard Industrial Classification system?

Walk Free
Has the company identified at least one incident related to modern slavery?

Center for Sustainable Organizations
Does the company’s report identify specific geographic regions (e.g. Indonesia), industries (e.g. agriculture), resources (e.g. Palm Oil) or types of workforce (e.g. migrant workers) where the risk of modern slavery is the greatest?"

Center for Sustainable Organizations

Minerals Sourcing
Does the (mid- or up-stream) company audit its supply chain?

Fashion Revolution
Aileen Rob

Fashion Revolution
Aileen Rob

Does the organisation have a sustainability report?
Does the organisation provide training on environmental issues?
Does the organisation have remediation procedures in place to address environmental issues?
Does the organisation identify any environmental risks or incidents?