A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on annual leave and public holidays for their own operations and/or supply chain?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on contracts and terms of employment for their own operations and/or supply chain?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on maternity rights and parental leave for their own operations and/or supply chain?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on notice period, dismissal and disciplinary action for their own operations and/or supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution Research Group
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index Mexico 2021?
Joanne Gemmill
13.8 milion tonnes CO2 equivalent
Did the company produce a statement in relation to any Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence legislation?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on health & safety for their own operations and/or supply chain?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on working hours & rest breaks for their own operations and/or supply chain?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on forced & bonded labour for their supply chain operations?
Apparel Research Group
Is the company's waste & recycling policy reflected in their management procedures?
Apparel Research Group
Is the company's water effluents policy reflected in their management procedures?
Apparel Research Group
Is the company's water usage policy reflected in their management procedures?
Apparel Research Group
Is the company's energy & carbon emissions policy reflected in their management procedures?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on foreign & migrant labour for their supply chain operations?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on water effluents for their own operations and/or supply chain?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on waste & recycling for their own operations and/or supply chain?
Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on water usage for their own operations and/or supply chain?