A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Minerals Sourcing
Has the downstream company engaged directly with upstream suppliers regarding identified risks?
Minerals Sourcing
Has the upstream company published their risk assessment?
Has the upstream company published the supply chain management plan?
Minerals Sourcing
Does the company implement ongoing and proactive risk mitigation measures?
Minerals Sourcing
Does the company (upstream or midstream) support third-party certification audits, including one or more of the following?
Minerals Sourcing
Does the company (downstream or upstream) publish certification audit reports directly or via a third-party?
Minerals Sourcing
Is the company's responsible minerals policy aligned with recommendations specific to their supply chain location (Local Mineral Exporters)?
Minerals Sourcing
Is the company's responsible minerals policy aligned with recommendations specific to their supply chain location (International Traders)?
Minerals Sourcing
Does the company's responsible minerals policy include a chain of custody or traceability system through which they gather one or more of the following?
Minerals Sourcing
How much Tin has the company used or produced (in metric tonnes)?
Minerals Sourcing
How much Tungsten has the company used or produced (in metric tonnes)?
Minerals Sourcing
How much Tantalum has the company used or produced (in metric tonnes)?
Minerals Sourcing
How much Gold has the company used or produced (in metric tonnes)?
Minerals Sourcing
How much Cobalt has the company used or produced (in metric tonnes)?
Minerals Sourcing
How much Copper has the company used or produced (in metric tonnes)?
Clean Clothes Campaign
Does the company provide extra information, for instance gender and migrant composition of the workforce or trade union recognition?
Clean Clothes Campaign
Clean Clothes Research Group
Clean Clothes Campaign
Clean Clothes Research Group
Clean Clothes Campaign
Clean Clothes Research Group
Did the company produce a statement in relation to any Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence legislation?