A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Apparel Research Group
What percentage of the following indicators did the company disclose?

Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 5.3 Grievance Mechanism in the KnowTheChain benchmark?

Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 6.2 Monitoring Disclosure in the KnowTheChain benchmark?

Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 7.1 Corrective Action Plans in the KnowTheChain benchmark?

Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 7.2 Commitment in the KnowTheChain benchmark?

Aileen Rob
What did this company score for 1.1 Commitment in the KnowTheChain benchmark?

Apparel Research Group

Apparel Research Group
What score did the company achieve for human rights disclosure?

Apparel Research Group
Does the company have a policy on wages and financial benefits for their own operations and/or supply chain?

Apparel Research Group

Apparel Research Group
What score did the company achieve for environmental damage and protection disclosure?

Fashion Revolution
Fashion Transparency Index Brazil 2021 - Scoring
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index Brazil 2021?

Apparel Research Group

Apparel Research Group
What score did the company achieve for terms of employment disclosure?

Apparel Research Group

Apparel Research Group

Apparel Research Group

Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution Research Group

Apparel Research Group

Apparel Research Group
What score did the company achieve for economic disclosure?

Apparel Research Group
What percentage of the following indicators did the company disclose?

Apparel Research Group
What percentage of the following indicators did the company disclose?