A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Le Basic
How much water did the company use? (in cubic metres)
Home Office
Did the company report in the UK Modern Slavery Registry portal, that its modern slavery statement includes information about policies?
How much gross profit did the company make (in USD)?
What is the percentage of the recycled Waste
US Securities and Exchange Commission
What is the company's good will?
UN Global Compact
What is the company's participation status in UN Global Compact Initiative?
Global Reporting Initiative
What volume of the water used by the company was recycled or reused (in cubic metres)?
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group
What percentage of the company's workforce died due to work-related incidents?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the total number of employees who returned to work after parental leave ended?
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group
Environmental protection expenditure as a percentage of total revenue
Global Reporting Initiative
What percentage of new suppliers were screened using environmental criteria?
Global Reporting Initiative
How many tonnes of organic material (BOD) was contained in the company's water discharge?
Global Reporting Initiative
Laureen van Breen
Did the company disclose how much water it used (in cubic metres) from municipal (public) sources?
Minerals Sourcing
Is the organization a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and if so which member type?
Climate Action Research
What is the company's total renewable energy consumption (in gigajoules)?
Global Reporting Initiative
What is the total number of water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by the organization’s discharges of water and runoff?
Global Reporting Initiative
What proportion of the company's spending goes to local suppliers?
Center for Sustainable Organizations
What's the Company's total CO2 Emissions (tCO2)?