About the data
Responsible investment is an investment approach that considers both financial returns and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors in decision-making.
Part of capacity building for responsible investment is for investment companies to provide their staff with training on how to take into account ESG factors when making investment decisions.
To find the answer for the company you are researching, look in the company's responsible investment transparency report. The company may report on ESG training in several sections of the report. Search the report for the keywords 'ESG training' and 'training'.
The company may report the answer under the indicators SG 08 - Strategy and Governance: RI in performance management, reward and/or personal development and SG 06.1 - Strategy and Governance: RI policy and coverage.
If the company indicates that they provide some form of ESG training to their employees, enter the 'Yes' value and add/cite the company's transparency report as a source. Please also include the page number and quote from the source.
If the answer cannot be found in the company's transparency report, or the company is not a signatory to the PRI, then search on the company's website for any reference to ESG training for investment staff. If you cannot find any such reference, enter the 'No' value and add/cite the company website.
Responsible investment transparency reports can be found on the Principles for Responsible Investment website here.
Further information on the PRI Reporting Framework 2018 for the Strategy and Governance module can be found here.